
name | Steven Noonan |
age | 1,171,255,409 seconds (37.115637 years) = 3.5113∙1017 m |
location | 47.6132587 -122.1917162 |
steven@uplinklabs.net | |
PGP Key (EdDSA) | 0x08B64D879E452650 or local copy |
PGP fingerprint (EdDSA) | EF4E F33B 2E93 29D6 AD49 E4CF 08B6 4D87 9E45 2650 |
OS | Arch, Mac OS X 10.4+, Windows NT 5.0+ |
github | my GitHub profile |
resume / CV | on-line |
The preferred ways of contacting me are (in order of preference): e-mail, Jabber, and Skype.
My interests include:
- programming (x86/ARM asm, C/C++, Python),
- game development,
- emulation, virtualization, procedural content generation,
- kernel & general low-level hacking,
- sci-fi: Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Black Mirror, Continuum, Doctor Who, Stargate SG-1
- webcomics: Penny Arcade, Buttersafe, Hark! A Vagrant
- roguelikes: NetHack, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, ToME, Brogue, Dungeon Crawl, etc.
- video games: too many to list. A fan of colony sims, strategy, role-playing, and first person shooter games.
Music I like to listen to:
- Parov Stelar,
- BOY,
- Metallica,
- Silversun Pickups,
- Paramore,
- Sea Wolf,
- Death Cab for Cutie,
- Band of Horses,
- The Decemberists,
- Radiohead,
- Five Iron Frenzy
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